Tag: Res Hab
La Asociación De Habilitación Residencial
Si usted es un proveedor de habilitación residencial los estamos invitadando a convertirse en miembro de la Asociación de Habilitación Residencial de la Florida también conocida como por sus siglas en Inglés TRHA (The Residential Habilitation Association of Florida). La TRHA es una organización creada para abogar por los derechos de los proveedores de habilitación…
Legal Defense Fund
Sometimes things get a little bit beyond our legal comprehension and the best thing to do is get professional legal advice. Our defense fund is an account set up to pay for legal expenses, which can include attorneys’ fees, court filings, litigation costs, legal advice, or other legal fees for our organization and its members.
Activities of Daily Living
Activities of Daily living are defined as: Eating Bathing Dressing Toileting (The ability to transfer to and from the toilet and complete personal cleaning functions) Transferring (The ability to get in and out of your bed or a chair by yourself) Continence Control (The ability to control bladder and bowel movements)
Reshab Member Assistance
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A. It is the policy of The Residential Habilitation Association to provide reimbursement for employees and volunteer board members for pre-approved travel related expenses, including transportation, hotels, and food. These expenses must be reasonable and necessary, as well as job-related, and must be pre-approved in writing by [the Executive Director/ Board of Directors]. B. The…