, City of Tampa Hispanic Mayoral Debate 2019 City of Tampa Hispanic Mayoral Debate 2019

City of Tampa Hispanic Mayoral Debate 2019

Who will be the next Mayor of The City of Tampa ?

My Name is Robert Merced and I am very proud to be a part of Tampa Florida!

It is truly amazing, and I am extremely grateful to have been blessed with the opportunity to witness the positive changes that are finally starting to take place in the International African American and Hispanic/Latino communities. Social media has given us all, the means of being able to cross the oceans and bypass all the natural and man-made obstacles that have divided us for centuries. It has Empowered us with the ability to communicate with people that are near and far and to do so much more for our communities and the rest of the world. This month I have had the pleasure of meeting a great number of diverse people from all walks of life. People that are willing and able to come together and get their hands dirty if necessary, for the benefit of our communities and the future of our children.
By getting involved in the political aspects of our communities and educating our families about the roles and responsibilities of our elected officials, we the citizens and taxpayers can learn how to better communicate our needs and concerns to the right people. The truth is that no one knows everything, and sometimes we, as the community have the responsibility of informing our elected officials about what’s going on in our communities so that they can make informed decisions in order to better serve our needs. As the community actively works with our elected officials, they can then use this first-hand information from the community to help us resolve any issues or concerns that effect the citizens in our communities.
For this reason, I say that It is imperative, that our children are educated from an early age, enabling them to understand how our governments work, and the importance of putting the right people into these elected positions. The bottom line is that our children need to understand, and be better informed about how their lives, can and will be affected by the decisions of our elected officials.
I welcome any opportunity and look forward to working with our community leaders and elected officials to find and implement ways to equally improve the lives of EVERYONE! In Tampa Florida.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that organized and/or participated in this powerful event. I’d like to thank Luis Adorno for inviting me, the Ana G. Mendez University, Alianza for Progress, Boricua Vota, and Telemundo 49. And Last but not least once again I’d like to thank our Mayoral Candidates for reaching out to our communities and sharing your visions and your goals for the future of the City of Tampa. Your input was greatly appreciated during the discussions about empowering the citizens and their communities to participate in the development and the future of the city of Tampa.
I wish you all the best of luck and I encourage everyone to come out and Vote on March 5th!

Robert Merced

En Español

Mike Suarez with Robert Merced

Dick Greco Jr.

Mike Suarez

Ed Turanchik

Jane Castor

Mike Suarez

Jane Castor