The Residential Habilitation Association
Educating residential habilitation providers and consumers to create an efficient community inclusion and compliant service delivery system, while actively exercising their rights as entitled citizens and constituents.
Thanking all of the front-line heroes that went into the Covid-19 battle field.
The Residential Habilitation Association is here to recognize and to salute all of the fearless caretakers that care for our special needs population. During this Corona Virus Pandemic not many people know that you were all willingly going into Group homes Assisted living facilities into behavioral centers even knowing that some of these residents were infected with the Corona Virus.
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What is Residential Habilitation ?
Residential Habilitation is sometimes referred to as reshab which is a combination of services and supports that are provided to people with physical or intellectual developmental disabilities. These services and supports can be provided
up to 24 hours per day and 7 days per week depending on the consumers condition. The services and/or supports are customized for each individual by their waiver support coordinator that creates their individuals support plan (ISP).
The purpose of residential habilitation is to ensure the consumers health, safety and welfare and to assist them in the acquisition, improvement, and retention of the skills they need to live with success in their own
homes and communities.
Become a member of The Residential Habilitation Association today !
We shouldn’t be scared of the system, we should be the system!
CPR & First Aid
Providers and direct care staff participating in CPR & First Aid training at the Big Heart Group Home in Tampa. Thanks to the trainer Susanne Cubberley,RN and The Residential Habilitation Association for sponsoring
this event.
Medication Administration
Providers and direct care staff participating in Medication Administration training at the Big Heart Group Home in Tampa. Thanks to the trainer Susanne Cubberley,RN and The Residential Habilitation Association for
sponsoring this event.
Residential Habilitation providers have a great responsibility
Residential habilitation providers must always ensure that other providers that are involved in the consumers residential habilitation are actively contributing to the consumers progress and wellbeing. If a provider feels that a consumer
needs other services that are medically necessary to ensure the health and safety of the consumer, he should immediately inform the waiver support coordinator and begin the process of compiling documentation to justify the additional
residential habilitation services needed. This process is done through an IBUDGET SAN request (Significant additional needs request) to the Agency
for Persons with disabilities also known as APD.
What is a Residential Habilitation Provider?
Residential Habilitation Providers are Medicaid Waiver Providers and are paid by Medicaid. We provide a service called Residential Habilitation which is basically a group home for people with disabilities that helps individuals maximize
their potentials and abilities to be able to participate and be equally included in their communities.
(From left to right)
Robert Merced with the Mayor of Isabela Puerto Rico Charlie Delgado Altieri and
Miguel Gonzalez
Actively participating in important community events
Residential Habilitation Providers gathered for the APD provider meeting
“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.” Vince Lombardi
It’s time for Residential Habilitation providers to unite and get involved
Rules and regulations for residential habilitation providers are constantly changing and sometimes this can make it quite difficult for some providers to stay up to date and in compliance. Unfortunately the number
of employees available to run a residential habilitation business can vary drastically from one provider to the next. For example there are many well established and experienced providers with multiple locations, that have
many advantages over the new less experienced smaller providers. Larger agencies with multiple locations have more access to funds and resources and have the ability to hire a larger staff with the capacity to create systems
to more efficiently run their business and multiple locations. But on the other hand smaller residential habilitation providers don’t always have the finances to hire and train an adequate and qualified staff. Some residential
habilitation providers that are also considered solo providers work alone with up to three clients. Imagine having to take care of three clients by yourself every day and struggling to do your paperwork to stay in compliance
at the same time. Residential habilitation providers have many responsibilities that are sometimes overlooked by our legislators and most of the time new smaller residential habilitation providers are the ones that
are unfortunately overburdened with outdated redundant legislation. A lot of the current conflicting laws are actually older than the waivers themselves.
Mike Suarez
Pray for Puerto Rico
Who should join The Residential Habilitation Association?
Anyone who really cares about people with disabilities and the quality of the services that they receive.
All Medicaid waiver providers that want to contribute or receive small business assistance or guidance.
All persons with disabilities and their loved ones that want to get involved in the decisions that effect their lives.
People that are interested in becoming providers and need assistance or guidance.
Other organizations interested in partnering with us to address common goals.
Elected officials who would like our support to achieve common goals.
Jane Castor
Ed Turanchik
Pray for Venezuela
Group Home Owners Want To Be More Involved!
Let’s Talk About the Real Issues That Residential Habilitation Providers Are Facing ! Please join us and participate in our open mic discussions about issues that directly or indirectly affect us all as Residential Habilitation Providers. Do you have questions ? Do you have advice for other providers?
Do you have any suggestions for our organization ? Then Please Join us on April 24th.
It’s us, the tax payers that are paying for Residential Habilitation services !
The money that is being made available to Residential Habilitation providers and the Medicaid waiver programs is coming from the Federal and State taxes that we pay. This money is not magically falling out of the sky, it’s
money that is being provided by the taxpayers that are paying for these services. For this reason, we are all entitled to have a say, when it comes to how these funds are being used. Unfortunately, very few people are getting
involved and take the time to be a part of the decision making that affects us all as residential habilitation providers and consumers. As direct service providers we all have a responsibility to not only provide services to our
consumers but also to genuinely care for them and advocate for their health and safety.
Philip Levine
The Residential Habilitation Association Goes to Tallahassee
The Residential Habilitation Association is honored and proud to be a part of this amazing group of Boricuas and the Hispanic Movement that is taking place and currently expanding across our state borders. The trip we made to Tallahassee
was inspiring and extremely productive. It was a trip well worth it, and we plan on making many more. Thank you to everyone who played a part.First, I’d like to start by thanking Mr. Luis Adorno Juarbe and Mr. Marcos Vilar
for the invitation to take part in this Event. Then I would like to thank everyone at the Puerto Rican Bar Association of Florida for all your hard work in coordinating this powerful event.Additionally, I would like to thank
everyone in the Puerto Rican community for all the hard work you are doing to unite all the Hispanic communities and strengthening our voice.And to the following people and organizations THANK YOU! for all your hard work and
the tremendous hospitality you have all shown me during our trip to Tallahassee:
• Alianza for Progress• Boricuas de Corazón Inc• Puerto Rico Connect• Hispanic Federation • Representative Amy Mercado •
Senator Victor M. Torres, Jr.• Mayor of Isabela, Puerto Rico Carlos Delgado Altieri• Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith• Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez• Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Tampa Bay
And everyone
else that traveled with us from near and far • Evelyn Aimee De Jesus• Evelyn Rodriguez• César Juarbe• Luis O. Rosario• Miguel Gonzalez• Mike Sollivan
PS: Sorry for the delay with the pictures
there’s just so many and I’m trying to only pick the best ones. I will put them up a little at a time.
Please know that I do believe in all your causes and I will contribute and support you all whenever possible. God
Bless you all for all the good that you are doing
Robert Merced Sr.The Residential Habilitation Association — at Hotel Duval Tallahassee.