The Residential Habilitation Association Working With Our Elected Officials

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As residential habilitation providers in the state of Florida, we are all entrusted by the state with an extremely important responsibility. Our responsibilities are extremely critical to our neighbors and to their loved ones, who put their trust in us and our abilities to care for them as residential habilitation providers.

Florida's House of Representatives Leadership

Speaker   District 37

Representative  Richard Corcoran

Speaker pro tempore District 119

Representative  Jeanette M. Nuñez

Majority Leader District 76

Representative  Ray Wesley Rodrigues

Our House Representatives in Hillsborough County


Representative Oliva, Jose R. [R]

Democratic Leader District 94

pro tempore - Representative Harrison, Shawn [R]

Democratic Leader District 62

Representative Janet Cruz

District 64 (Hillsborough)

Representative  James "J.W." Grant

District 63 (Hillsborough)

 Representative Harrison, Shawn

District 58 (Hillsborough)

Representative  Lawrence McClure

District 70 (Hillsborough)

Representative Wengay "Newt" Newton

District 57 (Hillsborough)

Representative Jake Raburn

District 61 (Hillsborough)

Representative  Sean Shaw

District 59 (Hillsborough)

Representative  Ross Spano

District 60 (Hillsborough)

Representative  Jackie Toledo

District 58 (Hillsborough)

Representative  Daniel D. "Dan" Raulerson