The following is a list of the many benefits that we intend to offer members of the residential habilitation association in the near future:
- Healthcare Coverage = Affordable if not free, Healthcare Coverage for reshab providers
- Administrative Assistance = Help with things like paperwork and policies and procedures
- Political representation = Lobbying for the benefits of all reshab providers
- Legal representation = Assistance with miscellaneous issues that may arise that affect us all
- Scholarships funds = College scholarships for our children
- Free Training = Access to free training such as CPR, First Aid, Medication Administration
- Monthly Updates = Newsletter informing you of important issues and changes in reshab
- Discounted maintenance = Discounts on lawncare and repairs
- Job board access = A website where you can list positions you have available
- Free marketing = Free Listing for your agency on our website.
- D.C.S. database = A database of prospective screened Direct Care Staff looking for work
- Vacancy Database = A database of Reshab agencies with vacancies for clients
- Free Notary service
- Advice and assistance with your inspections and yearly reviews such as (Qlarant, CMS, APD)
- Regular meetings with guest speakers
- Special events just for reshab providers (Parties, Outings and Prizes)
- Special events for reshab providers and their clients (Parties, Outings and Prizes)
- Award ceremonies! for best agencies and direct care staff of the year.
If you have any questions about becoming a member or how you can get involved. Please send an email to: Visit our website at: And those of you who know me personally, please feel free to call me at your convenience.